Coming from an interdisciplinary background acquired at the Technical University of Munich I have a passion for all things startup, design & creative work and am eager to challenge myself to reach new heights.

I created this website because I wanted to put myself out there. It doesn’t just serve as a creative outlet but having an online presence helps me to stay commited to the goals I set for myself. 

For instance, I set up my own Impossible List (which is more than just setting goals or a bucket list) to avoid stagnation. As a lifelong learner, I like to read books which is why I keep a Reading List here as well.

In any case, I have much greater projects planned, so stay tuned!

Latest projects


Becoming a Product Manager at the Digital Product School

The Digital Product School, aka DPS, is where the best talents from all over the world come together in interdisciplinary teams and learn how to build digital products that users really love. With the admission into the DPS as a Product Manager, I have the amazing opportunity to learn the ins and outs of being a product manager from the best. I’ll have an own team with a software engineer, an AI specialist and an interaction designer, and we will build a digital product solving a real world challenge in 3 months! It sure is exciting!

The program is especially valuable in my eyes as Product Management isn’t something one can study at a university commonly, but here I can learn from the best and gain practical experience. Being able to explore many different roles early on is incredibly helpful for me to see what is most fun and rewarding for me to pursue.

I’ll keep you updated on how this goes!
Instagram YouTube

DPS agile mindset
DPS agile mindset
Harvard's CS50
Working through Harvard’s CS50 course

Harvard’s CS50 course is taught by the amazing David J. Malan. “Introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.
Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web programming. Languages include C, Python, and SQL plus HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Problem sets inspired by real-world domains of biology, cryptography, finance, forensics, and gaming.”

It was a super challenging yet extremely fun experience. I absolutely recommend it if you are not already an expert and like to learn the whole package of Computer Science that is demanding yet doable.
For example, for the last problem set I built a web application where anyone can reigster as a user, buy and sell stocks.

I also finished the final project! I made a productivity dashboard. For more check out this video demo or my GitHub.

Harvard's CS50

Hard work pays off!

As already written further below I had made up my mind and had opened my YouTube channel with my first ever video. Well, now my second and biggest project has been launched:

In that video I take you with me on a journey that shows what it’s like to live as a student on a daily basis, while the pandemic was just looming at the time. I overcame the barrier of filming myself in public and included all kinds of creative elements that I had up my sleeve to deliver a truly complete experience. Epic cinematics, humor, personal insights included.

While I still aspire to even higher quality as surely I have still a ton to learn, I am beyond happy to hear such positive responses from friends, family and strangers! (Update: As of writing this update, the video got around 19,000 views, who would have thought?? I sure didn’t! Just do what you enjoy and the results follow!)

I have new videos planned on topics such as student life, productivity tips, personal growth, creativity, entrepreneurship and more!
Sounds interesting? Then subscribe to not miss anything! Of course this is also  incredbily helpful for any channel just starting out.

Not your plain ‘ol bucket list

Have you ever thought to yourself “Huh, that would be an awesome thing to happen in my life some day. I should put that on my bucket list.”? What happened to that list? Not much? Well, enter the IMPOSSIBLE LIST!

Check out my most popular page and join in with me on doing the impossible, step by step!

Patrick choi photography shirt design
Patrick choi photography shirt design

My Reading List

Learn about the best books to read

I love reading. It expands my horizon and contributes to my journey of lifelong learning. To make sure I keep this habit, I am maintaining an updated reading list where I share with you the best quotes, learnings, recommendations etc.
  • Atomic Habits

    Atomic Habits

  • Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

    Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

  • Shoe Dog

    Shoe Dog

  • Show Your Work!

    Show Your Work!

  • Permanent Record

    Permanent Record

  • Bad Blood (Theranos)

    Bad Blood (Theranos)

What is stopping you?

I had this idea of making videos for a long time. For me it is a way of expressing myself, communicating with the world and sharing my learnings. To put an end to my hesitation and doubts, I finally opened up my new YT channel.
What about you? Do you have anything on your mind that you really want to do and yet the thought of doing it paralyzes you? Well, just do the first step, even if it’s a small one! Everything else follows!

Spoiler Alert:
I actually did it! First full video was out. Then the second one. And another one. And these videos actually made an impact. I helped thousands of prospective students see how student life was like at the Technical University of Munich, or how prospective student consultants could get a teaser on what awaits them should they embark on this journey.

New videos coming soon! On student life, productivity tips, personal growth, creativity, entrepreneurship and more!

Join My newsletter!

After an overwhelming support and reception of my website on launch day, I continued to work on more content with my newly established newsletter. Having dealt with various compatibility issues regarding my newsletter with my website for nights, I am proud to say that I am ready to give you some lovely content! Please take a look!


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I am excited that you want to get in touch with me! Whether you have any feedback, questions, inquiries or anything, I’d love to hear from you!


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